Experienced flutter agency for high-performance apps on all platforms

  • +16 years of experience
  • +100 app projects
  • 70 employees

As a leading Flutter agency, we support large and medium-sized companies in the design and development of customised cross-platform solutions. In doing so, we rely on technological expertise, adaptability and a wealth of experience. This is how we accelerate your processes and generate digital momentum.

Führende Flutter-Agentur für leistungsstarke Apps auf allen Plattformen
Führende Flutter-Agentur für leistungsstarke Apps auf allen Plattformen
_Why Flutter

Flutter is one of the most popular app frameworks. For these 6 reasons.

Does your company want and need to accelerate its digital transformation in order to remain competitive? Apps often play a key role in this. Flutter is a popular choice as a technology framework because it enables the development of apps that deliver a first-class user experience while being easy on your budget.


Fast development

The hot reload feature and access to numerous libraries and tools speed up the development of your Flutter app many times over compared to traditional methods.


Apps for all platforms

The one-code-base approach reduces the effort required for development and debugging: as a Flutter agency, we can quickly publish your apps for web, Android, iOS and embedded.


Near-Native Performance

Flutter apps can keep up with native apps in terms of performance in most use cases. The biggest difference to these: They are created much faster than their native relatives.


Cost savings

Flutter’s framework enables you to realise high-performance apps with a first-class user experience – in a cost-efficient way. The short development time ensures a fast ROI.


Intuitive Usability

Flutter is for those who want a sophisticated UI. Our developers have access to a wide range of widgets and can build your interactive app for Android and iOS with a native look and feel.


Strong community

The technology is being continuously developed by an enthusiastic community of developers, supported by Google, and brought up to the latest technological standards.

_Our services

Customised apps are our speciality as a flutter agency

App development doesn’t have to be complicated: As a Flutter agency, we accompany you from the first brainstorming session to the conception and release of your new Flutter app in the App Store or on the web. You can also rely on the expertise of our developers for selective support.

App development doesn’t have to be complicated: As a Flutter agency, we accompany you from the first brainstorming session to the conception and release of your new Flutter app in the App Store or on the web. You can also rely on the expertise of our developers for selective support.


We can advise you on all aspects of your app development as a Flutter agency. We analyse your current situation, challenge and refine your ideas and create a roadmap you can implement independently or with our support.


We develop your app according to your needs. We take into account the specifications of all platforms and UX best practices. Our agility ensures that you can adjust the process at any time and are 100% satisfied with your app.

Backend development

We lay the foundations for smooth operation by setting up admin areas and analysis tools. API development is also part of our day-to-day business so that your app can be seamlessly integrated into your existing infrastructure.

Cross-platform development

We develop Flutter apps for all platforms from a single code base – which is much more effective than a native app. Our developers get the most out of the framework so that your result is in no way inferior to native apps.

_How we proceed

Our tried-and-tested flutter agency approach for your successful project

We take the time to fully understand your initial situation and your concerns. This understanding is the spark that awakens our developer creativity. A personal contact person from our Flutter agency will guide you through the respective project steps with commitment, partnership and expertise, so that together we can develop the ideal app solution for your use case.

Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Ideenfindung und Bedarfsanalyse

Needs analysis

Do you have an initial idea for an app, but the finishing touches are missing? As a Flutter agency, we evaluate your idea for strategic effectiveness and technical feasibility. Once we have the core of your idea, we use the design sprint method to shape it into a realisable and concrete product vision.

Analysing the current situation Finding ideas Discover potentials
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Ideenfindung und Bedarfsanalyse

Conception & Design

We develop your detailed app concept based on your requirements. The focus here is on the user experience: the developers and designers at our Flutter agency specialise in optimally combining function and navigation so that users enjoy using your app.

Prototypes User interfaces Technology frameworks
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Design und Konzeption
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Design und Konzeption
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt agile Softwareentwicklung

Agile development

As a Flutter agency, we work in short sprints so that you always have an overview of the project status and can coordinate closely with our team. In this way, you receive a fast and cost-efficient result that satisfies you 100%.

Quality guarantee Maximum flexibility Transparency
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt agile Softwareentwicklung

Quality assurance

App users expect reliable functionality and data security. And rightly so. We integrate manual and automated tests into our development process right from the start so that your app receives 5-star ratings in the app stores.

Latest test methods Right from the start Zero fault tolerance
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Qualitätssicherung
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Qualitätssicherung
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Rollout


Alongside quality, speed is the most important factor for our customers. As a Flutter agency, we guarantee you a timely release. We provide onboarding that leaves no questions unanswered and monitor your app in the first few weeks so that you can sleep soundly.

Carefree Go-live Monitoring Onboarding
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Rollout


You are free to decide whether you want to outsource the operation of your app to us or whether we should train your team so that you can fulfil this task internally. As a Flutter agency, we are always on hand to provide you with fast support and keep you informed about updates and functional enhancements.

Simple operation Secure hosting
Fast support
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Weiterentwicklung
Flutter-Agentur übernimmt Weiterentwicklung
_Why us

With SPRYLAB as your flutter agency, your application will exceed expectations

Do you want to gain more efficiency or tap into new revenue streams? As a Flutter agency, we know that the success of your app depends on details and speed. That’s why we work in an agile and co-creative way. We create apps on time and on budget and have always managed to exceed our customers’ expectations.

Do you want to gain more efficiency or tap into new revenue streams? As a Flutter agency, we know that the success of your app depends on details and speed. That’s why we work in an agile and co-creative way. We create apps on time and on budget and have always managed to exceed our customers’ expectations.

Achieving goals through expertise

As a Flutter agency, we rely exclusively on our in-house developers. We staff your project with senior developers who have been working intensively and enthusiastically with Flutter for years. Their expertise makes the difference for you and is reflected in the end result.

Fast, agile and cost-efficient    

With our agile project process, we ensure that your app takes shape quickly and according to your ideas. By closely involving you, the customer, in the development process, we avoid avoidable corrections and thus effectively reduce your project costs.

100% reliable and transparent

Our customers have been realising their most important digital projects with us for 16 years. Why? Because we always fulfil our promises and our results speak for themselves. That’s why we receive 83% of our orders through personal recommendations.

Holistic foresight

After more than 120 app projects, we know where the pitfalls lurk in app development. That’s why we take the time to comprehensively analyse your digital infrastructure and your goals to ensure that your new Flutter app fully meets your expectations.

Sincere sparring partner

We are a flutter agency that works with you as equals. We scrutinise bad ideas critically and are not satisfied with average suggestions. Our aim is to achieve the best possible result for you, your users and your company.

_Who we work with

Over 100 app projects
successfully completed

Best app in the world

Named one of the world’s best news apps. We work on the iOS, Android and web app as Flutter agency.

Flutter-Agentur Referenz Sodexo

Benefits shop app

We integrated ePay into the multi-vendor shop and took over the complete partner management.

McFIT Logo

Terminal-Tablet app

The tablet studio app is aimed at new and existing members and reduces the workload for studio staff.

image 7 (28)

Preventive serious game

A fun way for young people to learn about the risks of tobacco is the “ohnekippe” prevention web app.

Rescue Assist app

The Rescue Assist app provides access to digital rescue datasheets for all 1990+ Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

Flutter-Agentur Referenz Evonik

Multilingual B2B app

A multilingual B2B app with user management, paywall and personalised recommendations.

What our customers say about us as a flutter agency

Natalie Deininger
Natalie Deininger

MIKA project management at   

“SPRYLAB has contributed greatly to the successful development of the MIKA app in terms of time, budget and quality. We are very pleased that we can continue to trust SPRYLAB as our reliable and competent IT partner for further development.”

Dr. Jan Kingreen für digitale Kirche
Dr. Jan Kingreen

Managing Director of the Berliner Dom

“With the app, we have managed the difficult balancing act of offering parish services online while also appealing to tourists. In doing so, we are significantly increasing the reach of Berlin Cathedral as a place of living faith and as a tourist attraction.”

App Entwicklung Agentur Referenz Jacqueline Schraner
Jacqueline Schraner

Project Manager at Ringier

“Our project manager even checked on our app at 4 o’clock in the morning to make sure everything was working. As a customer, you can’t expect that, the SPRYLAB team simply did it on their own initiative.”

Would you like to turn your digital idea into reality? Talk to us!

We are driven by exciting and challenging projects. If you are looking for a flutter agency to grow with, we are the right partner for you.

Flutter-Agentur mit Ansprechpartner Arthur Silber
Your contact person

Arthur Silber

Managing Director

Book a consultation call
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_Frequently asked questions


Flutter is an open source technology from Google for the development of platform-independent mobile applications. With the help of the framework, apps can be created for any platform from a single code base - for Android, iOS, desktop, embedded or web. This significantly shortens your development time. A major advantage for your company if you rely on hybrid apps and want to be accessible to your customers on all digital channels. You save significantly on development costs without having to compromise on the functionality or quality of the app. Flutter apps are based on the DART programming language and impress with their fast performance and modern user experience. The app technology is therefore just as popular with established SMEs and corporations looking to accelerate their digitalisation as it is with start-ups.

Flutter and React Native are both leading technologies for the development of cross-platform apps. However, Flutter is superior to React in three points in particular:

  • Programming language: unlike React Native, which relies on JavaScript, Flutter uses DART as its programming language, which optimises performance and simplifies development for hybrid apps.
  • Low code: Flutter also follows an "everything is a widget" philosophy: layouts, texts, icons - everything can be designed and changed using widgets. Fast and low-code.
  • Compilation: Unlike React Native, Flutter apps do not require a JavaScript bridge to run on all end devices. The app is compiled on the end device before your Flutter app is installed. Changes to the code are immediately visible without recompiling. As a Flutter agency, we guarantee you strong performance on mobile, website and desktop.
  • Apps for multiple platforms: If your organisation wants to publish an app for not just one, but multiple platforms, Flutter is the right choice. The development framework allows you to quickly create apps for different platforms from one code base without compromising on design or performance.

  • Limited budget: If you only have a limited budget for your app development, Flutter is the technology of choice. Not only Flutter's one-code-base approach, but also the use of comprehensive widget libraries can significantly reduce the development time of your new app. This also reduces your project costs and makes it easier for you to achieve a quick return on investment.

  • Tight timeline: In many industries and use cases, it is important to realise an idea quickly in order to secure significant advantages on the market. Even if your budget is not a limiting factor, Flutter is the technology of choice in such cases due to its short development times.

  • Customised functions: Do you want your app to stand out creatively from the crowd and not just offer basic functions? Flutter works with many widgets, but still offers a high degree of flexibility in the design of apps. Even complex functions and individual interactive user interfaces can be realised with manageable effort.

  • High performance and stability: As Flutter apps are compiled directly in the code of the target platform, your apps are less prone to errors and offer outstanding performance that is comparable to native apps. You do not need a browser or runtime module, which has a very positive effect on the performance and look and feel of your applications.

There is no general answer to this question. Of course, how complex the programming is depends very much on the individual requirements of your app. Nevertheless, to give you an initial idea of the time and costs involved: Experience has shown that a simple app with Flutter can be published after just a few weeks. To realise a high-performance Flutter app, you need to reckon with an investment of 50k euros for a simple application. As a Flutter agency, we unfortunately have to turn down cheaper and smaller projects for economic reasons. Depending on the complexity of the app, a higher budget may be required.

Flutter supports the development of apps for the iOS and Android mobile operating systems. As a Flutter agency, we can also create web apps and apps for desktop and IoT devices for you, which further expands the possible uses of the framework.

Flutter apps can be easily scaled and, as already frequently mentioned, have a performance that can keep up with native apps. This is due to some special features of their architecture.

  • Performance: Flutter apps, for example, are compiled directly in the native code of the target platform. The framework uses its own rendering engine, Skia, so that even complex UIs can be rendered at high frame rates and even complex graphics run smoothly in your app. However, native app development may still be preferable for some interactive games.
  • Scaling: As the code base for your apps is the same on all platforms, your change requests and extensions can be implemented quickly and apps can be published on new platforms without much additional effort. What's more, the community regularly releases new tools and integrations that make it easier for our developers to scale their apps.

Flutter offers many different security features as standard. However, the security of your Flutter app depends largely on the way it is developed and the security practices that are built in. As a Flutter agency, we think about your security from the start and use automated and manual testing to ensure it at every stage of our development until release. After release, you should install Flutter (security) updates promptly to avoid creating new and avoidable vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit for their own purposes.

One of Flutter's strengths is that the framework makes it very easy to design attractive, interactive user interfaces. An extensive collection of ready-made widgets is available for this purpose, which can be used to realise UI elements consistently for all platforms. The platform also facilitates the implementation of complex animations and transitions, which can contribute to a contemporary look and feel for your apps.

To ensure that your users can quickly find their way around your app, our developers must adhere to the design guidelines of the respective platform: Material Design applies for Android and Cupertino for iOS. With Flutter, all design patterns can be adhered to. In addition, the platform offers various navigation patterns that can be tailored to the needs of the individual target group to ensure intuitive and efficient user guidance.