Leading agency for the development of customised customer portals

  • +16 years of experience
  • +20 Portal projects
  • 70 employees

As an experienced digitalisation partner, we support large companies and SMEs in the planning and development of customised customer portals on the web and as apps that give them decisive digitalisation and efficiency impulses.

Kundenportal-Entwicklung für große & mittlere Unternehmen
Kundenportal-Entwicklung für große & mittlere Unternehmen
_Why customer portals

The 4 most common reasons for a customer portal

There are many reasons in favour of introducing a customer portal. On the one hand, your customers increasingly expect self-services – for example, they want to complete administrative tasks independently and receive help with questions without having to wait. On the other hand, customer portals are an effective lever for optimising a company’s cost structure.


Higher customer loyalty

Spare your customers endless queues. Instead, rely on modern apps with interesting insights into your own service or product usage. The more competitive you are in the market, the more important your user experience is. Your customers appreciate digital self-services and reward your efforts with loyalty and valuable recommendations.


More sales

Customer portals offer many opportunities for personalised offers, suggestions and recommendations. Without any extra effort, you can significantly increase the likelihood of up- and cross-selling. Experience shows that the more frequently your existing customers interact with your portal, the more successful this will be.


Lower costs

The calculation is quite simple. If your users can answer the most common questions and place simple orders on their own, you need fewer employees in service and support. At the same time, your marketing and sales will become much more effective. In this way, you can expect direct and indirect cost savings of up to 30%.


Bessere Produkte

Customer portals allow you to collect and analyse data on user behaviour. From the results, you can draw valuable conclusions about which of your services are most in demand, where your services can be improved, and which offers have good prospects. In short, you can significantly reduce your risk with your own valuable data.

_Our services

Customer portal development is our speciality

Customer portals have great potential if they are strategically designed and implemented in a sustainable way. We support B2C and B2B companies in transforming their ideas, wishes and needs into precisely such platforms. Whether DAX companies or established SMEs – we will find the right customised solution for your goals.


In a strategy workshop we will advise you on how your customer portal should be designed to deliver maximum value and contribution to your business success. We will develop an achievable vision for you to start developing your customer portal.

New development

Regardless of whether you already have a concept or we are starting from scratch – our agile development process ensures that you can transparently experience the development of your customer portal in short sprints. This is how we develop your portal cost-effectively.


We improve the added value of your existing customer portal. After a comprehensive potential analysis, we take over the technological optimisation. We rectify errors and integrate new functions – as a one-off project or as part of ongoing support.

_How we proceed

Successful customer portal development with our proven approach

We provide you with selective support or guide you through the project process from A to Z with our tried-and-tested method until you have your customised customer portal. Developing a self-service platform is demanding. To ensure that you nevertheless see results quickly, we rely on an approach that strategically combines standards and flexibility.



Do you already have ideas on how you can integrate a customer portal into your processes? Or would you like to expand your existing use and offer new services, for example? In a strategy workshop, we work with you to analyse how a customer portal can optimally support your business model and draw up a clear roadmap for customer portal development.

Goal definition
Potential analysis

Conception & Design

We develop a detailed concept based on the real needs of your users. First, we create user flows for your desired functions, then we work in dialogue with you to develop an interactive prototype in your corporate design. Once you have obtained feedback from your target group, we iteratively develop the prototype further and translate the final version into code.

Interactive prototypes
User Interfaces Technological Standards
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Konzeption
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Konzeption
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Agile Umsetzung

Agile development

For the actual customer portal development, we rely on future-proof technology frameworks that are customised to your existing systems. Programming is carried out in agile sprints according to the Scrum methodology. There are therefore no nasty surprises. You are close to the progress of the process and can make adjustments at any time so that your desired result takes shape before your eyes.

Fast project progress Flexible customisation Complete transparency
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Agile Umsetzung

Quality assurance

Quality assurance is an integral part of every customer portal development project. Through manual and automated testing, we ensure that no errors creep in during implementation and that your platform functions securely and efficiently. In addition to functional tests, we also integrate UX checks and test user-friendliness on all relevant end devices and operating systems.

In all phases Extensive testing Zero fault tolerance
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Qualitätsanalyse
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Qualitätsanalyse
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Rollout im Team


We ensure that your customer portal is launched on time and switch the platform live after your approval. To ensure that you can work confidently with the portal from day 1, we attach great importance to knowledge transfer during the project and onboarding your central users at the end of the project so that they can carry out content maintenance and administrative tasks with confidence.

Carefree go-live Timely delivery Knowledge transfer
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Rollout im Team


On request, we can operate your customer portal in the cloud and ensure smooth operation and easy scaling. Regular analyses of usage data provide you with starting points for further developments that can create additional added value for your customers. If required, we will be happy to support you in implementing the next stages of development.

Horizontal scaling Secure hosting Fast support
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung
_Our Tech Stack

Complex requirements are our passion

We work with a variety of the latest front-end and back-end technologies and customise their use to your existing IT infrastructure. We generally develop customer portals in a microservices architecture so that you can keep pace with technological developments and integrate new functions and upgrades more easily in the future. Of course, we are also happy to advise you on the best hosting option for you: hyperscalers such as AWS or Azure are just as much a possibility as hosting on your own servers or with smaller providers.

Kundenportal-Entwicklung Technologien groß
Kundenportal-Entwicklung Technologien klein
_Why us

With SPRYLAB as your partner, your customer portal development will exceed expectations

Are you looking for increased efficiency, sales growth or digital innovation? With our expertise and experience in customer portal development, we can guarantee you a successful project that is implemented on time, on budget and of the highest quality.

Are you looking for increased efficiency, sales growth or digital innovation? With our expertise and experience in customer portal development, we can guarantee you a successful project that is implemented on time, on budget and of the highest quality.

Achieving goals at (almost) any price

Our software engineers are enthusiastic about working with you to tackle the most difficult and ambitious tasks and solve your complex self-service problems. When it comes to automating your tasks, a lot is impossible with us.

Fast, agile and cost-efficient  

In our customer portal projects, we emphasise speed and excellence. Using prototyping, wireframing and short development cycles, we can quickly introduce and continuously improve technologies to achieve your goals.

100% reliable and transparent 

Our clients trust us with their most important projects because we have been consistently delivering results for over 16 years. In fact, 83% of our orders come from referrals. Why is that? Because we always keep our promises.

Holistic foresight  

Having analysed almost 100 companies, we know why platform projects fail. That’s why we review your IT infrastructure and work processes to ensure that your customer portal development exceeds expectations.

Sincere sparring partner  

Major challenges are solved together. As a partner, we meet you at eye level. We are not afraid to scrutinise average ideas and address uncomfortable truths. This is the only way to achieve the best possible result for you.

_Who we work with

Over 20 portal projects
successfully completed

Kundenportal-Entwicklung Kunde Sodexo

Self-Service Portal

Realisation of an efficient self-service portal for Germany and Austria, a multi-vendor marketplace and a payment function in the app via NFC.


E-commerce websites

Modernisation of 14 subscription shops and two book shops. As a long-standing technology partner, we have developed a high-performance IT infrastructure including Directus CMS.

Logo BBL

Sportstainment platform

Development of the website and app with a new data backend and scalable live architecture. As well as the introduction of a headless CMS for 25 editors.

Mitpflegeleben Logo

Matchmaking platform

Creation of the nationwide information, advice and placement portal for care services for the largest ecumenical start-up in Germany.

Ringier Logo

Subscription portal

Customer portal development with optimised customer journey and implementation of a white-label shop system for Blick subscribers and 15 other magazine brands.

Logo Institut für Spielanalyse

Live data platform

The architecture of the platform enables the recording, processing, refinement and playout of football data in real time.

Don't believe us, believe our customers

Portal Entwicklung Referenz Jasmin Grünig
Jasmin Grünig

Senior Product Manager Payments at Sodexo

Jasmin Grünig

Senior Product Manager Payments at Sodexo

“SPRYLAB implemented our self-service portal extremely quickly and professionally. Keyword great service: The team is very agile and so even unforeseeable, sudden requirements were no problem.”

Portal Entwicklung Referenz Martin Werren
Martin Werren

Project Manager Technology & Data
at Ringier

Martin Werren

Project Manager Technology & Data
at Ringier

“We have been working successfully with SPRYLAB for many years. The team always thinks along with us and provides great impulses. They also work at breathtaking speed!”

Portal Entwicklung Referenz Cornelia Röper
Cornelia Röper

Managing Director of mitunsleben

“In SPRYLAB we found an absolutely competent service provider for developing our platform. We were very impressed by their professional approach to consulting and the fast and reliable implementation of the platform.”

Would you like to turn your digital idea into reality? Talk to us!

We are driven by exciting and challenging customer portal projects. If you are looking for an agency to grow with, we are the right partner for you.

Arthur Silber

Arthur Silber

Managing Director

Book a consultation call
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_Frequently asked questions


Customer portals are digital applications that you can use to provide potential or existing customers with self-services. Where your users previously had to seek direct contact with you, they can now log into your customer portal via a browser or mobile app and resolve their concerns independently. It is important that the customer portal development takes your company's goals into account right from the start: Should customer satisfaction be increased, should support staff be relieved or is the focus on improving efficiency in marketing and sales? The design of the platform will change depending on your priorities.

You can use a customer portal in all phases of your customer journey - from product advice and product configuration to contract management and support during the usage phase. In our opinion, these are the 5 most important use cases:


  1. Manage orders: A customer portal enables your users to monitor the status of their order, view invoices, arrange payments and initiate returns. This prevents many questions about the ordering process from arising in the first place.
  2. Configure products and services: Switching to a higher tariff, cancelling a service or booking an additional service - with customer portals, your users can flexibly adapt their purchases to their life situation with just a few clicks. Conveniently and without the time-consuming personal dialogue with one of your service employees
  3. Receive support: If your product breaks down at the weekend or a user needs support late at night, there is often no service and support hotline available. In many cases, the customer portal can provide up-to-date 24/7 first aid with chatbots and tutorials.
  4. Contract management: If your customers want to change personal data or their contract, they can do this quickly themselves - without using your employee resources.
  5. Customer communication: With mobile customer portal apps, you gain a new channel for contacting your customers directly via push notifications. They receive a high level of attention, which they can use to build customer loyalty. For example, you could send reminders about important contract deadlines or provide information about usage behaviour.

Whether configured standard software or customised solutions: there are huge differences in the quality of customer portals. What should a customer portal achieve today? If you bring us on board, you can be sure that your portal will excel in at least the following five dimensions.

  • Self-service basics: Your customers want quick answers. Customer portals therefore need to be available around the clock and solve even complex issues at the touch of a button. In 24/7 customer service, AI chatbots often develop into game changers. In addition to high-performance technology, an intuitive interface determines whether your customers are frustrated by your portal or become fans.
  • Integration of different systems: In customer portal development, you need to ensure that existing systems and technologies interact seamlessly with the platform. Your portal must be able to access data from different sources and synchronise it in real time. This is the only way to realise far-reaching self-services and a first-class user experience for your customers. For your company, the depth of integration increases the efficiency of data management, as many manual data transfers can be eliminated. In addition, well thought-out data integration makes it easier to display personalised content, which is essential for successful customer loyalty.
  • Consistent, intuitive customer experience: Whether via desktop, smartphone or another device - your users should be able to access your customer portal via various digital channels and find their way around the platform intuitively. The design and function must be as consistent as possible. Navigation is a particularly important element that determines your customers' satisfaction with your portal. Users need to find the information or service they are looking for quickly and without any detours. A well thought-out user experience not only increases the efficiency of your customer portal, it also strengthens users' trust in your brand.
  • Optimised customer onboarding: If the UX is strategically considered during customer portal development, comprehensive 1:1 onboarding is no longer necessary. Depending on the complexity of the functions offered, individual questions may arise. Your customers should find answers to these in a help section or via chat bot. Interactive tutorials are particularly effective. The short videos can not only help your customers to solve their initial problems, but also show them how to utilise the benefits of your portal for themselves - and thus encourage regular use.
  • Updating and further development: Information in the customer portal must be up to date, otherwise your offering will lose trust and cause more harm than good. In addition to the information, the technological basis must also be regularly checked and updated to ensure the security of the data and the performance of the portal. Last but not least, your company should analyse the use of the customer portal and monitor the market in order to regularly provide your customers with new, improved functions and to be remembered as the best provider.

An individualised approach is crucial in customer portal development, as every company has different requirements and goals. What should always take priority, however, is the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. This is the only way to ensure that your customer portal achieves the expected effects and is supported internally. Sales and support teams, for example, are the best source for gaining insights into customer wishes and concerns and for customising the functionality of the portal. The IT team, on the other hand, is the number one point of contact for scrutinising the technical feasibility of ideas and requests. The team also plays a central role in the planning of operation and further development.

The introduction of a customer portal changes the work in many areas of the company. Customer support has to invest less time in answering simple administrative enquiries and instead focuses on processing complex customer enquiries as well as maintaining the content used for the chatbot and knowledge database. The IT department has to maintain the customer portal and familiarise itself with new technologies for data analytics and chatbots. The way the marketing team works is also changing: They gain a new channel for addressing customers and can use data analyses to gather information to make campaigns more effective. The same applies to sales: sales employees can address customers more effectively with the help of usage data from the portal and achieve more new deals with less effort.

The latest generation of AI chatbots are revolutionising customer interaction. They are able to communicate with customers in natural language, answer simple questions immediately or forward complex requests to human employees. AI chatbots can also be used as a guide to a desired function in the customer portal. AI has vastly improved the quality of chatbots in recent years. As AI applications also learn with every customer interaction, they are becoming better and better assistants that noticeably relieve the burden on ticket systems and hotlines.

We work flexibly with a variety of technologies. Our strength is the development of customised customer portals. However, we also take on the individualisation of standard software if this is technically possible and makes sense in order to achieve the desired result. Let us talk about your plans in a non-binding consultation.

Simple customer portals that customers can use to change their master data and retrieve invoices can sometimes go live within a few weeks. Comprehensive customer portals that change all areas of the customer journey usually take several months to realise. Thanks to our agile approach, you can always offer your customers an initial portal version quickly and then gradually expand it.